Lưỡi cưa cuộn Rontgen
Chuyên cưa nhôm, kim loại màu sử dụng cho máy cưa vòng đứng (contour bandsaw machine)
Nhận hàn lưỡi cưa vòng đảm báo chất lượng mối hàn
* RÖNTGEN RRR flexback carbon band saw blades have a pin-point carbide structure of 30 - 50 grains per μm2. The presence of hard iron carbides produces outstanding tooth edge wear resistance, together with high flex strength in the backing steel material.
* Freecutting materials, timber and particle boards.
* Coil length 30 m packed in plastic boxes.
* Coil length approx. 100 m .
* Welded loops.